Wednesday 15 February 2017


Digital coins arrival has signified a new dawn in financial market and exchange. The currency when fully operational, will appropriately amplify the real essence of cashless economies and the reduction in paper money printing and management.
In the month of March, the biggest network of digital coins will be unveiled. The LCF Coins will enter the financial stable and so many changes will take place in international trade and spending.
That is not the purpose of this site. This site is here to tell you how you can benefit from the LCF Coins launching about to take place in China.
Free registration is currently going on across the globe for members. The unique thing about the LCF Coins is that it is given as MLM package to the public. With fantastic rewards, you cannot afford to look away but to sign up for the new life that will come with LCF Coins.
Here is for you to make you understand more about what is about to unfold in the world.

[1:04:40 PM] LCF Global Team Leader:
Also I gave you some high level of WADCC related info showing what's going on in China and in UN
LCF Global Team Leader:
Feb 2017 Mr Luk’s sharing: (translated by Sim Tzehong)

I believe 2016 had brought us lots of presence surprise.

What about 2017? WADCC was upgraded to level 1 status in the United Nation, having equal status of a nation.

The 1st WADCC conference held at UN on 17 Jan 2017 has significant influence to the UN. The site received 600 million views on the 1st day. On the 2nd day, the UN conference committee graded the conference with 90 points. For the past 71 years, the highest grade for an UN conference was 71 points. That means our conference was conducted with high quality, in its topics discussed and future development, supported by people of the world and the UN Secretariats.

The United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres sent us a video greeting to show his support. He was in Geneva attending Davos meeting with heads of states, including Chairman Xi of China. We started planning for WADCC conference on 1 Jan 2017, and registered with the UN Secretariat on 3 Jan. The time was too short for him to schedule for the meeting. He was very pleased with the conference, he told Mr Xiao Xiao (president of WADCC) to organise another conference by end of Mar, and he will chair the meeting. This is an endorsement to WADCC.

The UN website is . You can view the grading for WADCC conference on 17 Jan 2017.
The conference committee expect the viewing rate will hit 170-190 millions in the near future. This is unprecedented in UN conferences.

The conference decided that WADCC will set up trading centers and banks:
· 31 Jan 2017 The UN Secretariat and USA Ministry of Finance will send delegates to Marshall Island to hand over approval documents to WADCC.
· It is possible to finalised all procedures soon after Chinese New Year.

WADCC – World Assets Digital Cryptology Committee, will be the first in the world:
• To regulate trading rules of Crypto Digital Assets/ Crypto Currencies
• To operate trading centers and banks all over the world
• To have comprehensive business plans
The Vice Secretary General of UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) spoke to us at WADCC conference that UNCTAD will establish a huge platform on WTO (World Trade Orgn) .
· UNCTAD is the body that oversees WTO. WTO has recommended Crypto Digital Assets to be connected with 100,000 merchants in New York City.
· Thereafter, all the 70 millions merchants of WTO will be connected with WADCC.
· UNCTAD’s branches at South America & Latin America has signed strategic alliance agreement with WADCC.
WADCC will be the first & highest legal organisation in the world to issue Crypto Digital Assets.

The UN is paying great attention to WADCC now.

In his first speech as USA President, Trump announced that UN must begin to earn its own money. UN used to be a non-profit organisation, it receives member fees from member nations, and USA subsidise the balance, to keep UN running and pay for the officers’ expenses.

The launching of WADCC is timely, it is an UN profit making organisation, it will be connected with the UN Finance Dept.
I can say with full responsibility that
· We are on the world’s highest platform for Crypto Digital Assets.
· WADCC will create many Crypto Digital Assets like ours.
· We should remember that we are the 1st one! The 1st that WADCC is creating! Its impact is highly significant.
You may have realised it already.
WADCC’s bank will give you credit and issue Cash Card to you, base on the units of Crypto Digital Assets you have. The Cash Cards can be issued before we launch the trading date, you can have quota in advance.
WADCC is the world’s only platform for ICO using Deflation Model for Crypto Digital Assets.
How it operates?
A nation or company pledge its assets worth 10 Billions USD.
WADCC deflates it 10 times, using 10:1 ratio, allowing only 1Billion USD worth of Crypto Digital Assets to be issued.
When this 1 Billion Assets value appreciate to 1:1 on the Blockchain, the ICO value appreciate 10 times!
LCF Global Team Leader:

The next phrase is to go for IPO. Typically a new stock can appreciate 20 to 50 times on the main board.
In another words, the Crypto Digital Assets promoted on WADCC, its profit margin is 200 to 500
This good news is not shared by our company, It is shared by WADCC, the United Nations body!

Can you imagine its influence in the future?

Should you decide to be part of this family, send your:
Phone number,
Means of identification such as International Passport, National ID, Voters Card or Drivers Licence
State your gender to +2348029081275. You will be glad you did!